Monday, February 16, 2015

On the road to mastering Youtube

Youtube gives the users history of videos we have watched so that we do not have to find them all over again. Base on the history, Youtube also makes the list of related videos that we have watched so that we can easily watch similar interested videos without having to search the names or creators. 

Similar to what I said, on the first page of Youtube, there are several channels displayed base on the videos that I watched. By having those channels, we do not have to type in the key words, but instead, just watch the related videos. This is very useful when we have hard time figuring out what to do because just watching some videos that I am interested in would kill some time quickly. 

Advertisement is huge in Youtube as well. Famous videos would get an advertisement deals that before the film starts, there is short advertisement that we have to watch. By putting the ads before the start of videos, lots of users would have to watch them in order to watch the actual film. Moreover, on the side where there are related videos shown, there are other ads that are displayed for the most time. 

For each videos Youtube allowed the users to post replies. Many people reply with their own thoughts on the videos whether they are negative or positive. People can also post replies on others' replies so that they can have an ongoing discussion related to the videos. Video creator can also delete some inappropriate comments made by others. 

Youtube allows the users to create their own channels with their own videos. By displaying videos that many others demand, my channel can be subscribed by other users and create community of common interest. For instance, I would subscribe a channel that has lots of music that I like. This is similar to Facebook's group pages where people create community to share common interests and benefits.

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